The Alchemist’ is a wonderful story written by Paulo Coelho. The novel, bursts with optimism as it urges us to listen to our hearts and follow our dreams.
                             The hero of the novel is a shepherd boy, Santiago, who has recurring dreams of finding a treasure in the Egyptian pyramids. An old woman tells him that his dream is prophetic and demands a part of the treasure he finds. He considered it as a mere coincidence until he met an old man who introduces himself as the king of Salem. He is uncertain as he enjoys the life of a shepherd. However, he sells his sheep to the old king to buy tickets to Tangier, Northern Africa. After reaching Tangier, he has an unlucky encounter with a thief who steals his money. This takes him to a crystal shop, where he works for eleven months bringing changes in the shop that reaped considerable financial rewards. Now he had two options, to return to his hometown and become a rich man or to pursue his dream to cross the vast desert of Sahara. Destiny makes him to pursue his dream and he joins a caravan to Egypt where he meets an Englishmen, who wanted to learn alchemy. In his journey he understands the secret of the world that every living being in this universe has a secret language to communicate with each other that he calls as the soul of the world.
                         Fate drives him to an oasis as the caravan couldn’t continue their journey due to a tribal warfare. Santiago meets a girl 


AUTHOR: J.K.Rowling
KIND OF BOOK: Magical thriller
PRICE: Rs 399
CONTENT: There are totaly seven Harry Potter stories.This book is the first story of Harry Potter in his magical world. Harry Potter is realy a wizard but he thinks that he is an ordinary boy. His feelings were changed when he recognised his talents in wizadry and magic in the great magic teaching school named HOGWARTS. We cannot express our feelings after reading this just in a book review. His friends Ron and Hermoine are also the main characters of this exciting story. This great book takes us to the magical world of Harry,where he has to fight hard with the evil wizard including his parents killer Voldermot. He also tried to kill Harry after killing his parents but he was not able to do that because of some unknown reasons. And Harry completes his revenge by killing him in the seventh and last story of these series. In this story also there is an exciting and nail biting fight between them for a magical stone named the 'Philosophers stone' which can keep people alive as per their wish. But in the end Harry seizes the stone from him facing many sort  of magical challenges including a game of chess. And he destroys the stone for protecting himself and the world.
I like this book because it gave me a new and great experience of suspense and thrill. And this is one of the finest books I have ever read.
I suggest this book because I am sure that no one will blame me even a little for my suggestion.


Name of the Author- Enid  blyton
Language-   English
Kind of book-  Adventure Series
No. Of Pages- 284
Publisher-  Macmillam
Cost- Rs.199
             Jack, Philip, Dinah and Lucy-Ann are to go on a night flight in Bill's new airplane and spend a few days at his peaceful countryside home in order to study wildlife. However, the children board the wrong plane and find themselves being flown by two South American men to a deserted valley in Austria, surrounded by high mountains. Not liking the look of the men, chiefly because they've got "such thick necks," the children slip out of the plane unseen in the hope of finding help but the valley is uninhabited and the few houses they come across are burnt and half-ruined. The children's main worry at first is that they have very little to eat: "An adventure was one thing — but an adventure without anything to eat was quite another thing.
I like this book because adventures happening in this book is quit fair and impressive. And the content of the story is heart catching.
                                       MAMMEN JACOB 

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