Kendriya Vidyalaya Chenneerkara celebrated Reading  Day on 19 Jun 2018. The following activities were conducted in the assembly programme .

      1. Reading Day Pledge: Principal Mr. Shree Govind Dubey administred the reading day pledge to the Vidyalaya assembly.

     2. Speech on Reading Day :  Kumari Aparna V of Class IX B  gave a talk on Reading Day and Sh.KN Panicker who  is considers as the father of Library movement in Kerala.

3. Introduction of authors by students of Class VIII A. The students of Class VIII A introduced renowned Malayalam authors and gave a brief pen picture of them before the assembly. The following students introduced their favorite author before the assembly.

a) Kumari Karthu Kishore        - Benyamin
     b) Kumari Bhama S Raju         - Vaikkom Muhammad  Bashir                 
     c) Kumari Anjana S  Anil        - Ulloor S Parameshwra  Iyyar
     d Kumari Ardra S Nair            - MT Vasudevan Nair       
    4. Mime: A mime was presented before the assembly by the boys of class IX B, based on the theme “ Importance    of Education  & Learning”. The following students participated in the mime.
         1.Master Nagaraj SM
         2. Master Adhil M
         3. Master Arjun Mohan
         4. Master Athirath S
         5. Master Fardeen Sali
         6. Master Karthik B Raj
          7. Master Jison George
          8. Master Adhil Sha R
         9. Master SM Maharaja

 5. QUIZ:   A Quiz  was conducted by Kumari Amina Y and Kumari Nila Kurup of Class IXB on authors of some best seller books.

6. GROUP SONG: A group song based on the theme ‘’the importance of Reading “was presented before the assembly by the following students of various classes.

1. Kumari Anna Mary Pramod , IX B
2. Master Naveen VIIIA
3. Kumari Athulya Chandran, VIIIA
4. Kumari Anjana Abhilash, VIIIA
5. Kumari Uthara Reghu  IX B
6. Kumari Parvathy  VIIIA
7. Kumari Abhishek Nandan, VIIIA                                     
8. Kumari Nasra Rajeeb , IX A
9. Kumari Nasreen  Rajeeb ,IX A

The entire Program was anchored by Kumari  Haritha Nandini and Malavika S of Class IX B

             HIGHLIGHTS OF THE READING DAY    PROGRAM                            

Principal Sh. Shree Govind Dubey admninisters the ‘Reading Day Pledge’  to the Vidyalaya in the assembly on 19 June 2018.   

A mime based on the theme importance of Education and Learning by students of Class IX B